A scientific organisation with a clinical purpose
Fluid was approached by SYNLAB to create a new brand for a new company comprised of a group of three organisations coming together to form a new venture, delivering a wide range of pathology services. SYNLAB UK & Ireland, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust would be working together in a partnership, so needed to resonate with all stakeholders across SYNLAB’s existing pathology network, as well as across the NHS, and beyond that, to evoke the purpose of the new company.
Synnovis was born following an extensive strategic exploration of what the brand would need to do. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders across the three partner organisations, as well as those who would access the services provided by the new company. Whether it was company board members, hospital staff, CEOs, nurses, or GPs in the community, the Synnovis brand had to build out of those who would be using it. Our strategic blueprint for developing brands was steadily applied to every touchpoint our brand would have, leading to the development of our strapline: Science for Life.
The Synnovis brand was created in its entirety, including the brand name, the logo, and a complete set of brand guidelines. Because it was brand-new, we had to take into consideration the logistics and technicalities of setting up a company, as well as the fact that no one would be familiar with it. With this in mind, we underwent extensive competitor analysis, as well as ensuring that not only were the brand guidelines clear and gave the technical instructions on how to use the brand, but that users were able to understand who and what Synnovis is.